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Proposal Development Resources

Working on a grant or contract proposal?  Learn about the internal review process and access resources to help ensure that your finished proposal will be competitive with others submitted to the same funding opportunity.  
Internal Review Process
University Policy 4.4.7 requires that all sponsored project proposals be processed through Sponsored Programs and routed through multiple levels of review for approvals beginning with the department chair/unit director and ending with the institutional official. The internal review process requires that applicants submit an Internal Review Form with all proposal documents through InfoReady Review at least five (5) business days prior to the external submission deadline.  
  • Please contact Sponsored Programs as soon as you begin considering applying for a funding opportunity.  This early contact will allow us to review the guidelines to confirm eligibility and provide instructions to help you get started with the proposal development process.  Be sure to also communicate with your department chair or supervisor about your plans.  
  • Once the full proposal package is finalized, you will submit for internal review through our InfoReady Review system.  For detailed instructions on submitting a proposal for internal review, please click here.  Please note that only the project director may submit because certifications and assurances are required as part of the submission process.  
  • Each proposal package must include a detailed budget. Generally, sponsoring agencies provide a form or format for the budget that is required as part of the application process.  A Budget Development Guide and budget worksheet templates are available as resources.  If you need help creating a budget worksheet for your specific proposal, please don't hesitate to contact Sponsored Programs for assistance.
  • Please see additional compliance requirements that must be met prior to the submission of proposals for Public Health Services agencies, the National Science Foundation, and other agencies that require additional disclosures and training related to financial interests of personnel.  
  • When a competitive grant proposal includes Subrecipients, a Subrecipient Commitment Form is required for each Subrecipient.  Attachments to the form must always include a Statement of Work, detailed budget, and budget justification.  Other attachments will vary by funding opportunity and may include biographical sketches and support documents for key personnel, equipment and resources documents, etc.  Click here for guidance on classifying an external organization as a Subrecipient or Contractor. 
  • For definitions and examples of Basic Research, Applied Research, and Experimental Development, please click here

Basic Information Commonly Needed for Grant Proposals
See our Basic Information page for for information commonly needed for grant proposals, including the University's EIN and DUNS numbers, authorized contacts, rates for budget preparation, and more.

Preparing for Success with Proposal Development
In the video below, we explore what makes a proposal successful, compare the different types of proposals, and look at some examples from funding opportunity announcements to help you know what to look for as you get started with proposal development.

Getting to Know Commonly Required Elements of a Proposal Narrative
The purpose of the document below is to help you get to know the various types of content you are likely to encounter in preparing a grant proposal narrative. While each narrative must be written to the specifications outlined in the sponsor's application guidelines, there are some commonalities among most applications, and this document offers general instructions and tips for addressing important elements of the project narrative.

Tips for Success with Proposal Development
Designing the project is really the most difficult task required in pursuing grant funding, but the process of putting together a proposal can also be a daunting challenge.   This document offers some general tips for achieving success in securing grant funds.

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